Hi everyone,
We left Cartersville this morning on our way to Montgomery Alabama.
I had read on the internet about an attraction there called “Old Alabama Town”
But unfortunately we didn’t get to see it as we followed signs to the Visitor Centre – which got us lost and when we did finally find it – Old train station, it had a closed sign on the door! Also there must have been some kind of function about to happen as Police were blocking off streets, so we gave up and headed out of town – but I did get some nice photos of some beautiful buildings there:
So we continued on through a litte town called Selma:
Which had some nice old buildings:
Then onto Mississippi where we stopped at Vicksburg for the night. We treated ourselves to a nightout at one of the Casino’s – Grand Station Hotel and Casino. The casino is a Steamboat permanently fixed to the dock. Pretty impressive.
Dinner was great, and we played the pokies for a few hours – no didn’t win, donated some money to Mississippi :)
Tomorrow we head off into Texas.
Dave & Shell
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